The CRIG is promoting interoperability of repositories with other services during a roadshow in the summer of 2008. It will be doing this by setting up a “Developer Lounge” where people will be encouraged to stop by and pitch their innovative technology ideas. The primary motive of this Roadshow is to interface repositories with other *non-repository* services for the purpose of finding out how repositories can better integrate in the current scholarly landscape.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Round-up from OSCELOT conference

Thoughts at the end of the day after a day with the OSCELOT community.

Video thumbnail. Click to play
Click to Play

You would think with two domains like eResearch and eLearning that the two would actually be aware of what the other is doing? Not the case. As the eLearning community attempts to create search and indexing tools for their resources (learning objects and user profiles), the eResearch community is looking around for interfacing scholarly tools (lab notebook, portfolio, gradebook, etc). Never the twain shall meet... but wait: scholarly tools can push out resources and we can consume resources? Is there hope? We had some interesting conversation with Blackboard people regarding their architecture and utilising RDF in their course and user hierachy tree (RDFa/Microformats). How do we break down the barrier of domains so our developers will get together and interface their apps?

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